
rsync backup ubuntu server

run from root directory / cd / sudo rsync -aAXv –delete –exclude={“/dev/*”,”/proc/*”,”/sys/*”,”/tmp/*”,”/run/*”,”/mnt/second/*”,”/media/*”,”/lost+found/*”} /  /mnt/second/backupserver Restore Syntax sudo rsync -aAXv –delete /backup /system from How To Backup Your Entire Linux System Using Rsync and https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Rsync#As_a_backup_utility

Macbook pro 15′ 2011 gpu fix disable

This worked for me: boot using Command + s manually type nvram fa4ce28d-b62f-4c99-9cc3-6815686e30f9:gpu-power-prefs=%01%00%00%00 and run it manually type nvram boot-args=”-v” and run it reboot boot using Command + r (this time it boots fine, no grey screen) disable SIP: manually type csrutil disable and run it manually type nvram fa4ce28d-b62f-4c99-9cc3-6815686e30f9:gpu-power-prefs=%01%00%00%00 and READ MORE

React Native for Web

https://github.com/benawad/react-native-web-series https://github.com/necolas/react-native-web https://expo.io/ Docs https://necolas.github.io/react-native-web/docs/?path=/docs/overview-getting-started–page https://snack.expo.io/ https://blog.expo.io/upcoming-limitations-to-ios-expo-client-8076d01aee1a