
Mobile mini-MBA

Innovation and design thinking in Mobile Applications & Services Mini-MBA finished sussessfully and we present our application. e-nurse   https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cjCSmZo5jiDIQlCNZptS9W3Al7t2nsde Presentation of e-Nurse 1η Ενότητα – IDEA GENERATION AND BUSINESS MODEL INNOVATION IT-driven transformation and mobile market trends (Γ. Δουκίδης) READ MORE

Webapp Deploy to Aws

Deploy with War, web app archive Local java MySQL DB Tomcat server jsp-page   Public AWS Elastic Beanstalk   Tomcat VM Option   -DJDBC_CONNECTION_STRING=jdbc:mysql://database -DJDBC_USER=user -DJDBC_PASSWORD=password   then configure jdbc connection String DB_url=System.getProperty(“JDBC_CONNECTION_STRING”); String DB_user=System.getProperty(“JDBC_USER”); String DB_password=System.getProperty(“JDBC_PASSWORD”); Connection conn = null; READ MORE