

‘You’ve got to find what you love,’ Jobs says This is a prepared text of the Commencement address delivered by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, on June 12, 2005. https://news.stanford.edu/news/2005/june15/jobs-061505.html http://www.northlandprep.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/cursive-handwriting-worksheets.pdf https://www.brahminlettering.com/calligraphy-resources/

Vue 3 The template root requires exactly one element.eslint-plugin-vue

[vue/valid-template-root]The template root requires exactly one element.eslint-plugin-vue https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64867504/vue-3-the-template-root-requires-exactly-one-element-eslint-plugin-vue I ended up turning off Vetur linting. Vetur thinks that it is a Vue 2 project becuase it is in a VS Code workspace. https://github.com/vuejs/vetur/issues/2299#issuecomment-696015374 You can solve this by doing paste